Meet Charles Fazzino

February 6th | 6 - 8PM | New Orleans, LA

February 6th | 6 - 8PM New Orleans, LA

Fazzino and his Superbowl LIX art collection will appear at Gallery Rinard for a special "Meet the Artist" reception during Super Bowl week in New Orleans.

Gallery Rinard

611 Royal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: (504) 522-6536

February 6th | 6 - 8PM New Orleans, LA

Join us for an evening with world-renowned mixed media artist Charles Fazzino. He’ll be in New Orleans for Super Bowl LIX, showcasing his latest commissioned piece for the big game—a limited-edition mixed-media artwork on paper, featuring intricate details of New Orleans and the NFL.

Meet Fazzino, learn about his most recent release, and discover his other works of art, exclusively available at Gallery Rinard. Known for his 3D pop art with glitter and rhinestone embellishments, his designs come to life even more when experienced in person.

Can't wait until February 6th? Click here to (or stop by the gallery!) to view his pieces exclusively available at Gallery Rinard.

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